Riverside Yunnan Canteen by Huangpu River
黄埔江边的风物食集是Under clouds 半山腰餐饮品牌在上海的第二家店,选址为西岸梦中心。餐厅建筑面积728平方米,位于黄浦江边,坐落在始建于1920年、曾是亚洲最大水泥厂的上海水泥厂旧址,从店内望向江畔则是江岸运输码头船坞(梦船坞),也是原上海水泥厂运输水泥的码头。而西岸梦中心的背后,则是近年来蓬勃兴起的上海国际传媒港。曾经的工业遗产如今焕发新生,成为城市商业与文化生活的全新地标。
The project is the second restaurant of the Under Clouds dining brand in Shanghai, located at the West Bund Dream Center. The restaurant spans a total area of 548 square meters, situated along the banks of the Huangpu River, on the site of the former Shanghai Cement Plant, which was established in 1920 and was once the largest cement factory in Asia. From the restaurant, guests can view the riverside transport docks (Dream Dock), which were originally used for shipping cement from the Shanghai Cement Plant. Behind the West Bund Dream Center lies the rapidly developing Shanghai International Media Port. This former industrial heritage has been revitalized, transforming into a new landmark for urban commerce and cultural life.
∇ 建筑立面,architecture façade© Icy
∇ 户外用餐区, outdoor dinning area%U00A9 王尚
∇ 入口长桌,entrance table© 王尚
From the cliff to the dock, we carry forward the “simplicity” of the mountain, using the strength of rammed earth, wood, stone, red bricks, and concrete to create a hospitable riverside. Every drop of water flowing upstream from the Jinsha River rushes toward the estuary of the Huangpu River. From Yunnan (the upper reaches of the Yangtze River) to Shanghai (the estuary of the Yangtze River), we inherit a rich legacy that merges the “abundance” of nature with culinary delights. As we trace our roots, we also move forward. This is our vision for the “Under Clouds” location at the West Bund Dream Center in Shanghai.
∇ 散座区,dining seat area© 王尚
∇ 入口卡座,entrance cockpit© Icy