取味自然 四季风物

Taste of Nature The Four Seasons


四时阴阳者,万物之根本也,所以圣人春夏养阳,秋冬养阴,以从其根,故与万物沉浮于生长之门。 —《黄帝内经》

The four seasons represent the principles of yin and yang, which are fundamental to everything. The wise sages recognized that spring and summer are associated with yang energy, while fall and winter are associated with yin energy. This understanding helps us align ourselves with the natural rhythms of life and promote the balance and growth of all things.  -Huangdi Neijing




作物茂盛而五谷鲜活,收获而来的食材经由精细的工序与细腻的手法,在古老的土地上散发出全新的烟火之味,流转四季间展现出中外饮食文化的共通之处:自然即健康。 鲜活作物便是这样一家以“顺应自然”为核心理念,践行“食材应季”的中国本土烘焙品牌。

Crops are thriving, grains are fresh, and the carefully processed ingredients, infused with delicate techniques, bring forth a new burst of flavors in the ancient land. This highlights the shared essence of Chinese and international culinary traditions across the seasons, emphasizing the importance of natural freshness. Natural Baking stands out among local Chinese bakery brands for its commitment to the core philosophy of “harmonizing with nature” and dedication to using “seasonal ingredients”.




项目位于沈北新区核心地段的标志性商圈——吾悦广场之内,主要面向追求健康生活方式的家庭及年轻群体,为往来顾客提供温馨而自在的沉浸式消费体验。 整体设计透过材质、色彩及体块形态的交织与碰撞,描摹出一条清晰顺畅的服务动线,消解空间内外界限的同时,为店铺琳琅的街区注入生动的商业活力。

Situated in Wuyue Plaza, a prominent business hub in the bustling Shenbei New District, this project caters to families and young individuals seeking a healthy lifestyle. It offers a cozy and inviting dining experience for customers. The design seamlessly integrates materials, colors, and block forms to create a smooth and intuitive service flow. By blurring the lines between indoor and outdoor spaces, it infuses the neighborhood with vibrant commercial energy, featuring a variety of stores to cater to diverse needs.





主门头以柔和的曲线勾勒出自由灵动的空间调性,结合木纹大理石的朴素的肌理,将属于自然的呼吸感引入室内,营造纯粹简约的购物环境。 霓虹LOGO醒目而热烈,将品牌输出与情绪价值强力叠加。 自在张弛之间,奶油色产品展示柜居中而置,为空间梳理出多元动线的同时,更添美学趣味。

The main entrance features elegant curves, evoking a sense of freedom and dynamism, while the use of wood grain marble adds a touch of natural beauty to the interior. This combination creates a serene and uncluttered shopping environment. The striking neon logo enhances brand visibility and conveys a sense of enthusiasm, connecting customers with the brand’s emotional values. Within this balanced atmosphere of tension and relaxation, cream-colored product display cabinets are strategically placed at the center, adding aesthetic appeal and organizing the diverse flow of movement within the space.







Smooth lines extend gracefully, with curved blocks intersecting various forms and materials to bring a unique touch. Solid triangles and square screen pillars strategically placed on each side work together to enhance the brand’s perception and image from multiple angles.






Within the store, a large ceiling light replicates the gentle natural skylight, creating a soothing ambiance. The rounded corners surrounding the columns integrate the ancient architectural technique of “corner wiping” while embracing deconstructionism, offering visitors a spacious and creatively designed environment with a liberating view.






动线纵横间,通透明亮的玻璃橱窗将烘焙美味展现得淋漓尽致,而木色柔光相得益彰,在横向格栅柜台间酝酿出饮食空间的和美氛围。 人影攒动的虚实之间,健康美味就成为对话与挑选中的情感流动,在空间内荡漾。

Amidst the intersecting vertical and horizontal lines, the transparent glass windows showcase the delicate baked goods, bathed in the soft glow of wooden hues, creating a harmonious and inviting atmosphere. The interplay of light and shadow within the horizontal grille counters enhances the appeal of the food space. Here, the line between reality and illusion blurs as the enticing display of healthy and delicious treats sparks emotions in conversations and selections, creating a delightful and immersive experience within the space.






In the ordering area, the yellow marble with its lined texture complements the creamy wood color, creating a unique blend of wilderness and gentleness. Adorned with decorative pictures showcasing nature’s bountiful crops throughout the seasons, the space conveys the brand’s concept of natural health, while also imparting a sense of freedom and spontaneity to customers.





Amidst the interplay of soft light and dark shadows, light and color harmoniously blend in the space, providing an ideal backdrop for the authentic essence of food to unfold and making each customer’s experience unique. The juxtaposition of square and circular elements represents the fusion of traditional concepts and Western baking, resulting in a distinctive style that paves the way for the innovative development of Natural Baking produce.





Inspired by the brand concept of “natural and healthy,” this project embodies the essence of the four seasons, crafting exquisite flavors that blend Chinese and Western traditions with modern trends. The result is a new retail space that harmoniously combines spirit, form, personality, and aesthetics. With its simple and inviting ambiance, the space tantalizes the taste buds, rejuvenates the soul, and becomes a cherished refuge in the hustle and bustle of city life. It imparts not only the brand’s culinary excellence but also its profound spiritual ethos to every customer it serves.


∇ 轴测图



∇ 平面图



∇ 立面图






Project Name: Natural Baking
Location: Shenyang, China
Design Company: OYTT Design
Chief Designer: Yue Jiang, Tiao Ouyang
Landing Designer: Danfeng Zhou
Assistant Designer: Yun Yao, Weishang Zhang, Miaolin Xu, Haoyu Liu
Area: 100 square meters
Design Cycle: October 2023
Completion time: January 2024
Client Name: marble, stainless steel, fireproof board, artistic paint
Photographer: Ming Chen



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