“海上弦餐厅”位于北京市最繁华的三里屯商业区,我们改造的项目位于三里屯#024 商业体的二层。

Sea Strings Restaurant is located in Sanlitun, one of Beijing’s busiest commercial districts, and our renovation project is located on the second floor of Sanlitun #024 Commercial Building.


餐厅位于三里屯使馆区对面,道路旁两侧树木环绕,更因为喧闹的街道, 造就了闹中取静的用餐体验。

Restaurant is located across from the Sanlitun Embassy District, surrounded by trees on both sides of the road, and because of the hustle and bustle of the street, it creates a quiet dining experience in the middle of it all.



We have explored deeply the community and commercial culture of the trendy and bustling Sanlitun neighborhood, and we have created a simple and introverted retail space that allows people to pause by reversing the traditional commercial design and simplifying the complexity into simplicity.


∇ 建筑外观, Building Exterior ©钟贺



设计灵感 Design Inspiration 


“海上弦 ”是一家地中海餐厅, 记忆中地中海的蔚蓝不仅勾勒出大海的壮阔与深邃, 更以它那浪漫的蓝色屋顶与碧空如洗的天空, 编织成一幅幅令人心驰神往的景致。而今, 这份多维而丰富的蓝色灵感, 在海上弦餐厅, 化作了别具一格的蓝染盛宴。

“Maritime String” is a Mediterranean eatery. In memory, the vivid blue of the sea not only captures the majesty and depth of the ocean but also paints captivating vistas with its romantic azure rooftops and cloudless skies. Today, this rich tapestry of blue has been transformed into a distinctive banquet of indigo artistry at Maritime String restaurant.


“蓝染”可追溯至秦汉时期, 一种古老的染色工艺,以蓼蓝、马蓝等富含蓝色素的 “天然草本植物 “作为原料,匠心印染,每一抹蓝都承载着自然的馈赠与历史的沉淀。

“Indigo dyeing”, a craft dating back to the Qin and Han dynasties, utilizes “natural herbal plants” like polygonum tinctorium and indigo, rich in blue pigments, as its medium. Each hue of blue is a testament to nature’s bounty and the layers of history.


在地中海的蔚蓝海岸旁, “天然草本植物”香料同样是美食文化中不可或缺的灵魂, 正如地中海佳肴精选大自然最纯粹的味道, 蓝染工艺与之相映成趣, 不仅在视觉上追 求极致的和谐与美感,更在精神层面上深刻共鸣, 共同诠释着对纯粹品质与匠心精神的无限向往 。

Along the azure shores of the Mediterranean, seasonings of “natural herbal plants” are a vital essence of culinary tradition. Just as Mediterranean cuisine embraces the purest tastes of nature, the craft of indigo dyeing harmonizes perfectly, aiming not just for visual harmony and beauty but also for a profound spiritual connection, expressing a shared yearning for purity and the spirit of craftsmanship.


“蓝染之手 匠人之心”   则是我们想传递一种自然 、健康的生活方式和饮食理念。

“Indigo hands, artisan’s soul” is our message—a celebration of a lifestyle and approach to eating that is both natural and health-conscious.


∇ 设计灵感Design Inspiration©钟贺



∇ 主要空间概览,Overall view of main interior space ©金伟琦



∇ 主要空间概览,Overall view of main interior space ©金伟琦



步入餐厅, 仿佛沉浸在一个蓝染工坊中,天花垂壁如同工坊中被晾晒的染布一样, 营 造出一个既古朴又现代的空间氛围。

Upon stepping into the restaurant,  people feel like immersing in an indigo dye atelier, where the ceiling and walls are adorned with fabrics hanging to dry, crafting an ambiance that is a blend of traditional and contemporary charm.


∇ 入口区entrance region ©金伟琦




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