01 坐标首尔明洞 adidas首家亚洲旗舰店
First Asia Pacific adidas flagship in Myeongdong, Seoul
作为韩国最具本地特点的商业区之一,明洞以巨大的人流量及丰富的商业活动闻名,是韩国旅行必去地点之一。adidas在更新“Home of Sport”品牌门店概念后,首家亚洲旗舰店便选址于此。
Featuring the “Home of Sport” concept, adidas has opened its first Asia Pacific flagship store in the unique and bustling shopping district Myeongdong, a must-visit spot in South Korea.
作为唯一参与设计亚洲旗舰级别门店的中国设计事务所,万社设计与adidas通力合作,提炼韩国在地元素与adidas品牌个性巧妙融合,创造与当下本地客群产生更多连结与共鸣的“home of sport”。
Various Associates, the only Chinese design firm that participated in the flagship design, partnered with adidas to extract local Korean elements and blend them with adidas brand personality, creating a “home of sport” with closer connections and deeper resonance with local customers.
The store integrates into the bustling streets of Myeongdong, where diverse types of business and public activities takes place.
在食物的热气环绕及小商品摊之中的这家adidas,以亲切却不乏个性的姿态延续并传递品牌 “Home of Sport”的友好及包容。
Surrounded by the cooking aroma among small stalls, this flagship creatively conveys the core value of friendliness and inclusiveness from the overarching concept of “Home of Sport”.
∇ 友好、和谐的品牌精神