全球设计风向感谢来自 思联建筑设计有限公司│CL3 Architects Limited(https://www.cl3.com/) 的商业空间项目案例分享:
The Quayside is an innovative mix use development that promotes a healthy working environment mixing work, dine, recreation, relaxation into a green oasis amidst an industrial neighbourhood in Hong Kong.
With the office lobby on the ground level, retail on the first and second levels, and a large green podium on the third level, circular openings were created to visually connect and integrate the various functions, while planting with self irrigation and lighting system forms column structures puncturing through these openings.
独特且壮观的螺旋楼梯将二层与三层存在的4,300平方米的平台花园连接起来, 完全符合国际WELL认证的要求,包含空气、水、营养、光线、健身、舒适性和精神上的全面适应。同时另配有缓跑径,整体为原本在刻板工业环境中工作的人们提供不断完善的健康工作场所。
A grand spiral stair connects the second to the third level 4,300m² podium garden, equipped with a jogging path. The criteria for a WELL certification that includes air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and mind are carefully integrated to achieve a healthy work place amidst a stark, industrial context being transformed.
海滨汇项目由于突出的绿色和环保技术应用,即将获得领先能源与环境设计(LEED)白金级认证,香港绿色建筑议会绿建环评(BEAM Plus)白金级认证,以及WELL健康建筑认证金级(因2019新型冠状病毒而推迟)。
Awarded both LEED Platinum and BEAM Plus Platinum certification with WELL GOLD certification due to received (delayed due to COVID-19).
The notion of “green” is achieved in these main gestures:
1、Incorporating massive amount of planting through self irrigation system. Creating vertical green columns by puncturing the floors and creating connectivity.
2、Utilizing a passive solar design with brise-soleil to filter heat on the perimeter, fully openable shop fronts on the interior to bring natural light into the space.
3、Incorporating recycle bins, healthy vending machines, relaxation podium, jogging trail, smart information systems to achieve the highest level of WELL standard.
4、Creating interconnectivity among office reception and the retail podium through creation of slab openings to enhance a work-rest-play balanced lifestyle.
The beauty of green oasis blurs the boundary of the building and integrates its interior and exterior. People who work here can not only work in a healthy and comfortable way, but also find what they need without going out. What CL3 creates is a new and avant-garde complex functional space.
∇ 平面图
项目名称:The Quayside海滨汇
项目面积:6,843 m²
室内设计公司:思联建筑设计有限公司│CL3 Architects Limited(https://www.cl3.com/)
设计团队:林伟而William Lim、蔡家勇Clinton Tsoi、文学伟Howard Man
摄影师:Nirut Benjabanpot、Kris Provoost
Project Name: The Quayside
Project Location: 77 Hoi Bun Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Project Type: Commercial
Site Area: 6,843 m²
Completion Time: July 2019
Interior Design Firm: CL3 Architects Limited (https://www.cl3.com/)
Designers: William Lim, Clinton Tsoi, Howard Ma
Photographers: Nirut Benjabanpot, Kris Provoost