Lim + Lu(林子设计),这个由香港的一对设计师夫妇领导的室内设计团队,展示了其最新作品——Beverly Residence(贝弗利住所)。这座位于香港繁华中心地带的1400平方英尺公寓对两位设计师而言,不仅是私人避风港,也是他们设计之旅演变的重要标志。

Lim + Lu, the Hong Kong based interior design practice led by the talented husband and wife duo, presents their latest project, Beverly Residence. Nestled in the vibrant heart of Hong Kong, this 1400 square feet apartment holds deep meaning for the designers, as it not only serves as a sanctuary for their growing family but also symbolizes the evolution of Lim + Lu’s design journey.


130㎡住宅设计,130㎡,住宅设计案例,家装设计,中古风住宅,公寓设计,设计师的家,香港设计师的家-Beverly Residence贝弗利住所,香港,Lim+Lu林子设计

130㎡住宅设计,130㎡,住宅设计案例,家装设计,中古风住宅,公寓设计,设计师的家,香港设计师的家-Beverly Residence贝弗利住所,香港,Lim+Lu林子设计


Beverly Residence对Lim + Lu而言意义非凡,因为这是他们的私人住所——一个反映他们个人愿景和设计理念的重要项目。凭借对细节的极致关注和对设计的真挚热情,他们精心打造出一个集时尚气息、实用功能和温馨家庭氛围于一体的理想居所。

Beverly Residence holds a special place in the hearts of Lim+Lu, as it is their own home—a meaningful project that reflects their personal vision and design philosophy. With meticulous attention to detail and a genuine passion for design, they have transformed this space into a sanctuary where style, functionality, and family seamlessly converge.


130㎡住宅设计,130㎡,住宅设计案例,家装设计,中古风住宅,公寓设计,设计师的家,香港设计师的家-Beverly Residence贝弗利住所,香港,Lim+Lu林子设计



Archways and portals is a strong motif in the apartment. Upon entering the apartment, one is greeted by a large black wooden architrave that separates the entry vestibule from the living room and dining room.


130㎡住宅设计,130㎡,住宅设计案例,家装设计,中古风住宅,公寓设计,设计师的家,香港设计师的家-Beverly Residence贝弗利住所,香港,Lim+Lu林子设计

130㎡住宅设计,130㎡,住宅设计案例,家装设计,中古风住宅,公寓设计,设计师的家,香港设计师的家-Beverly Residence贝弗利住所,香港,Lim+Lu林子设计



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