MINISO LAND全球壹号店位于南京东路U479商场,三层高的零售空间临街而立,借街角位置沿建筑体立面双向展开,最大限度地扩宽与城市、与人群的交汇界面。在川流不息、不舍昼夜的都市中心,唯想国际与名创优品共同对未来零售新范式进行一次前瞻性的探索与实践,以空间叙事性布局、沉浸式场景体验以及丰富的互动元素,打造IP主题乐园,邀请大家跳出沉闷的日常生活,在MINISO LAND全球壹号店内体验游戏般的自在与欢乐。

MINISO LAND is located in the U479 shopping mall on Nanjing East Road, a three-story high retail space standing on the street, expanding bidirectionally along the building facade from the corner location to maximize the interface with the city and the crowd. In the bustling, round-the-clock downtown area, X+Living and MINISO have jointly conducted a forward-looking exploration and practice of the new paradigm of future retail. With spatial narrative layout, immersive scene experience, and rich interactive elements, they have created an IP-themed amusement park, inviting everyone to break away from the dull daily life and experience the freedom and joy like a game in the MINISO LAND.


零售店设计,主题乐园零售店,超级零售店,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,创意零售店,外立面改造,MINISO,MINISO LAND上海全球壹号店,上海,唯想国际,李想

零售店设计,主题乐园零售店,超级零售店,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,创意零售店,外立面改造,MINISO,MINISO LAND上海全球壹号店,上海,唯想国际,李想

零售店设计,主题乐园零售店,超级零售店,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,创意零售店,外立面改造,MINISO,MINISO LAND上海全球壹号店,上海,唯想国际,李想


创意地标 幻梦开场

Creative Landmark, Dreamy Opening



Nanjing East Road, as a symbolic sign of commercial pedestrian streets, is densely populated with commercial buildings on both sides, with brands flowing like a stream, rapidly shuttling through the urban context, dazzling to the eye. The designer occupies people’s visual focus with an undeniable strong color, giving the familiar modern streets an unexpected colorful surprise, creating a street-side art consumption scene. The facade straightforwardly declares the amusement park’s liveliness and joy, with the iconic character shapes of different IP, which can quickly capture the attention of pedestrians from a distance, attracting people to come.


∇ 外立面以富有张力的平面视觉,结合数字屏幕为城市街景增添了趣味性

The exterior facade features dynamic visuals combined with digital screens, adding interest to the urban streetscape.

零售店设计,主题乐园零售店,超级零售店,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,创意零售店,外立面改造,MINISO,MINISO LAND上海全球壹号店,上海,唯想国际,李想

零售店设计,主题乐园零售店,超级零售店,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,创意零售店,外立面改造,MINISO,MINISO LAND上海全球壹号店,上海,唯想国际,李想



Approaching, a joyful dream amusement park warmly embraces pedestrians. The park is a miniature world that integrates universal human values such as happiness, satisfaction, and hope, creating a place with high emotional resonance and identity. People pick up joy here and return with a light mood. The designer abstracts the atmosphere and symbolic meaning of the amusement park, reconstructing a comprehensive platform in the retail space that integrates emotional communication, cultural experience, and brand value.


∇ 外立面及招牌细节

Exterior facade and signage details.

零售店设计,主题乐园零售店,超级零售店,零售店设计案例,零售店设计方案,创意零售店,外立面改造,MINISO,MINISO LAND上海全球壹号店,上海,唯想国际,李想



  • 普通用户用户购买价格:10L币
  • 会员用户购买价格:免费
  • 永久会员用户购买价格:免费推荐


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