“爱在西元前”咖啡店位于北京市最繁华的商业区三里屯,我们改造的项目位于#024 商业综合体的一层部分。项目坐落于三里屯使馆区对面,道路旁两侧树木环绕,更因为喧闹的街道, 造就了闹中取静的用餐体验。

“Love In_ Cafe is located in Sanlitun, one of Beijing’s busiest commercial districts, and our renovation project is  in first floor  building of the #024 commercial complex. The project is located across from the Sanlitun Embassy District, surrounded by trees on both sides of the road, and because of the hustle and bustle of the street, it creates a quiet dining experience in the middle of it all.


在北京最繁华的潮流商业地标街区 ,不仅保留商业上的潮流属性,同时融入新兴的文化社区元素,为三里屯社区的旧有城市肌理带来全新活力,以自己的独特性格实现了城市存量空间资源的蝶变。

In Beijing’s most prosperous and trendy commercial landmark neighborhoods, retaining the commercial trend attributes while incorporating new cultural community attributes is essential. bringing new vitality to the old urban fabric of the Sanlitun community, realizing the perfect transformation of the city’s stock of spatial resources with its unique character.


∇ 原建筑外观,Original Building Exterior ©钟贺



∇ 改造后建筑外观,Exterior of remodeled building©金伟琦




城市台阶 Urban Steps


面对街道设置可开放式窗户,将室内与室外空间融为一体,营造出一种通透感与惬意氛围。这一设计鼓励人们走出传统的框架,席地而坐于街头空间,自然而然的行成一片轻松氛围的街头咖啡角落。在闹市区打造出舒适随性且充满 “深度”的城市一角。

The design features windows that open onto the street, integrating indoor and outdoor areas to foster an airy and inviting ambiance. It beckons individuals to break free from conventional boundaries, inviting them to sit on the pavement and create an impromptu, laid-back street cafe vibe. This setup transforms a busy urban area into a cozy, relaxed, and “rich” urban enclave.


∇ 街道看座位区,View of seating area from street ©钟贺




We aim for passersby to pleasantly stumble upon a soft, warm light and a subtle whiff of food aromas.Through the seamless integration of individuals and their surroundings, we aim to offer an experience where the space’s endless possibilities are felt, fostering a sense of community and belonging.


∇ 街道看座位区,View of seating area from street ©钟贺




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  • 永久会员用户购买价格:免费推荐


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