
“When alone, we will realize more clearly that we are with everything.”——Bill Poter


Resuspension #01




The inclusive residence is not an abstract narrative, but a presentation full of humane features. The building blocks are interspersed and reconstructed to create a rich spatial experience, creating a life centred open space. Letting the natural texture speak, interpreting the intuitive experience of organic materials after disassembling and reorganizing.


住宅设计,住宅设计案例,家装设计,现代风格家装设计,公寓设计,住宅设计案例,住宅设计方案,河南新乡-构白丘 H9310自宅,河南新乡,赤梁营造设计事务所

住宅设计,住宅设计案例,家装设计,现代风格家装设计,公寓设计,住宅设计案例,住宅设计方案,河南新乡-构白丘 H9310自宅,河南新乡,赤梁营造设计事务所



At the intersection of space, light rhythms reflect on the travertine surface, lacing it and breathing life into it. The emotions of the space are transformed into human perception and life. For the inhabitants, space is a carrier of memories.


住宅设计,住宅设计案例,家装设计,现代风格家装设计,公寓设计,住宅设计案例,住宅设计方案,河南新乡-构白丘 H9310自宅,河南新乡,赤梁营造设计事务所



The concept of the “box” is placed in the public area, and the relationship between the layers of the block is used to make the scene coherent and fluid, so that “the space is useful and interesting”. The proportion of black and white is used to construct the space, reflecting the essence of visual order.


住宅设计,住宅设计案例,家装设计,现代风格家装设计,公寓设计,住宅设计案例,住宅设计方案,河南新乡-构白丘 H9310自宅,河南新乡,赤梁营造设计事务所



Reorganizing the spatial relationship, we retains the semi-open dynamic layout. From the foyer to the dining room, two staggered square structures are formed, the beams on the top surface and the concave-convex sagging of the wall echo each other, and the rich and varied spatial levels and texture use become the spatial skeleton that delineates the functions and zones.


住宅设计,住宅设计案例,家装设计,现代风格家装设计,公寓设计,住宅设计案例,住宅设计方案,河南新乡-构白丘 H9310自宅,河南新乡,赤梁营造设计事务所



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