项目背景 Project Background


项目落址于苏州仁恒仓街广场,仁恒仓街以“灵感苏州,不止于江南”为定位,汇聚历史人文与艺术科技。M Stand品牌希望与城市融合打造一个独特的空间体验,创造苏州仁恒仓街广场独有的店铺设计概念。

The project is located at Suzhou Yanlord Cangjie, which positions itself as ” Inspiration Suzhou, more than Jiangnan.” bringing together historical culture, art, and technology. M Stand goal is to create a unique spatial experience that seamlessly integrates with the city, establishing a distinctive store design concept exclusive to Suzhou Yanlord Cangjie.


设计理念 Design Concept



“Poetic Space” In The City



The spatial design begins with the integration of modern aesthetics and the architectural language of Suzhou Gardens as its entry point. The design concept of “Poetic Space In The City” arises spontaneously from this approach, relying on the traditional cultural heritage of Suzhou Architecture. It integrates traditional language and modern design elements into artistic expression techniques, facilitating traditional and modern cultures to collide and blend.


∇ 店铺外观

咖啡店设计,咖啡店设计案例,咖啡店设计方案,上海咖啡店,茶饮店设计,咖啡厅设计,M Stand,苏州M Stand仁恒仓街店,苏州,第二次设计

咖啡店设计,咖啡店设计案例,咖啡店设计方案,上海咖啡店,茶饮店设计,咖啡厅设计,M Stand,苏州M Stand仁恒仓街店,苏州,第二次设计


空间策略 Spatial strategy



Dialogue Between Traditional Culture and Contemporary Aesthetics



Given the higher depth of the store space, to enrich its layered experience, we integrated “Suzhou Architectural Pavilions” into the design. Suzhou Architecture is reinterpreted and simplified through modern language. While preserving the key structural elements of Suzhou Architecture, natural scenery is introduced to evoke a subtle and elegant Suzhou Garden ambiance, achieving a harmonious unity among the brand, the space, and Suzhou Architecture.


∇ 空间轴测图

咖啡店设计,咖啡店设计案例,咖啡店设计方案,上海咖啡店,茶饮店设计,咖啡厅设计,M Stand,苏州M Stand仁恒仓街店,苏州,第二次设计


∇ 室内空间概览

咖啡店设计,咖啡店设计案例,咖啡店设计方案,上海咖啡店,茶饮店设计,咖啡厅设计,M Stand,苏州M Stand仁恒仓街店,苏州,第二次设计

咖啡店设计,咖啡店设计案例,咖啡店设计方案,上海咖啡店,茶饮店设计,咖啡厅设计,M Stand,苏州M Stand仁恒仓街店,苏州,第二次设计



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  • 会员用户购买价格:免费
  • 永久会员用户购买价格:免费推荐


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