多数时候,人们会以自己对时间长度的感知来评判设计的力度,甚至会片面化地「设想」设计师的回应方式。比如临时,往往意味着设计点到为止,或者流于表面。显然,事实并非如此。一场仅仅为期 4 天的展会,我们和联影医疗准备了 6 个月。我们都在思考,如何在「临时」中展现一个想法,一种理念的生命力和持久度。以及,要怎么让人在有限的体验时间之内,感受到「为健康大同」的愿景?更重要的是,对于医疗的明日,当下的设计应该做什么回应?

People often mistake permanence as the hallmark of good design, dismissing short-term projects as superficial. They assume that anything hastily assembled will suffice and overlook the thought and effort behind even temporary designs.

However, reality often defies expectations. We spent six months preparing with United Imaging Healthcare for a mere four-day exhibition.

We set out to spotlight the idea of lasting impact and power in a temporary exhibit, determined to declare United Imaging’s mission of “bringing equal healthcare to all”. Our challenge: how do we convincingly portray the product as the future of medical care?


展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计


01 一次寻找



E Studio 受邀设计了他们的 2024 CMEF 展会。

United Imaging Healthcare is dedicated to bringing equal healthcare to all. They provide a full range of high-performance medical imaging diagnostic and treatment equipment to customers worldwide and strive to improve the accessibility of advanced medical services. As a global leader in medical imaging equipment, United Imaging’s exhibit has become a staple at the annual China International Medical Equipment Fair (CMEF), bustling with visitors every year.

E Studio designed United Imaging’s 2024 CMEF exhibit.


展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计


本次参展,是联影的首次「集体」亮相,旗下多家子公司的产品线将会统一出现在展会上;也是首次推出 C 端产品,正式进军消费医疗领域。This is United Imaging’s first collective exhibit, with product lines from multiple subsidiaries showcased in a combined booth. It is also the debut of United Imaging’s consumer products, marking their entry into the consumer healthcare market.


展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计



最终,我们在近 1800 平的场地之中规划出 4 大展示区:ToB 诊断设备区、ToC 大健康区、魔方手术室和 AI 人工智能区,以及能容纳百人的产品发布会区,将现场体验做到极致。

The challenge lies in orchestrating a symphony of diverse product lines while ensuring a seamless visitor experience. Our secret to success? Masterful communication and collaboration, enabling us to juggle multiple demands and craft a design that both dazzles and delivers.We transformed nearly 1,800 m^2 of space into an immersive showcase, featuring four zones with distinct purposes: a diagnostic equipment hub targeting businesses, a wellness zone targeting consumers, an adaptive operating room, and an AI exhibit. In addition, the product launch podium is designed to accommodate an audience of hundreds to ensure an engaging on-site experience.


展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计


02 一种链接



The exhibition unfolds with an open design, forgoing the rigidity of traditional displays. The products take center stage and actively invite visitors to explore.


展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计


我们希望设计介入之后,能营造展示和体验俱佳的游览氛围,将人从现实周遭的平常中抽离出来,迈进已步入 AI 时代的医疗场所之中,迎接由技术进步带来的无限遐想。

Our vision is to create an experience that transports guests from the mundane to the extraordinary, where AI sparks a world of endless possibilities and technological innovation stretches the bounds of imagination.


展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计



The interwoven curves of the layout invite and guide visitors to explore independently, transforming the space into a visually engaging environment. Instead of capturing everything with a single glance, our design fosters the excitement of discovering new products, cutting-edge technology, and futuristic innovations.


展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计



The curves weave seamlessly through the space, creating an inclusive atmosphere. They hold a wealth of product information while preserving a sense of openness and connectivity across the zones.


展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计



The staircase sits at the heart of the exhibition, following the main curve and drawing inspiration from the surrounding contours, effortlessly blending into the environment.


展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计


03 一种思维


展会之中,仅仅有陈列是不够的。一件产品的生产与制造,代表了一群人,一家公司的愿景与期待。所以此次设计,我们不拘泥于传统的展示形式,将「策展思维」引入其中。当「展示」变成「展览」,产品得以与空间融为一体。游览者行走其中时,更能靠近 uOrigin 助听器,更能感知联影传递的「以人为本」的理念,让本次设计主题的传递形式更为形象。

A product encapsulates the vision and expectations of its creators. To tell the story of its creation, we aim to transcend “presentation” and embrace “curation”. By transforming “display” into “exhibition”, we fuse products with the space. As visitors navigate the curves, they are encouraged to engage closely with our uOrigin hearing aids, immersing themselves in United Imaging’s “people first” philosophy.


展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计


场地左侧引入艺术展览中常出现的「耳麦设备」,快速将游览者带入情境之中;逐步深入,开始展现联影的听力健康解决方案;转而来到右侧的超大型 LED 屏幕,聆听一场至美的声音。最终,才会来到感性与理性的交集点,即「听力体验柱」和「产品展示台」。

On the left side of the venue, visitors are greeted with headset devices typically found in art exhibits. As they journey deeper, United Imaging’s innovative hearing solutions begin to unfold. To the right, an enormous LED screen captivates with stunning visuals to complement the auditory experience. Finally, they arrive at the convergence of emotion and intellect – a demonstration area for Sounds and Products.


展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计



Imagination is often our tool for empathy, yet conventional lectures that lend a look into the lives of the hearing impaired rarely offer a genuine understanding of the challenges. By adopting a curatorial approach to product displays, we reveal the emotional depth and ambiance behind each product. This strategy seeks to revitalize traditional exhibitions and ignite an unequivocal desire in our audience to understand.


04 一个未来


展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计


现今,AI 已不再是一个晦涩难懂的词汇。但要将这种「未来感」落实到展会设计里,仅仅展示医疗器械,或者依靠文字表达技术的高超之处,都会有些流于表面。为此,我们继续沿用策展的方式来呈现 AI 人工智能区域,帮助游览者清晰了解「何为联影 uAI NEXUS」。

AI is a well-known concept in today’s world, but capturing this “technology of the future” in an exhibition takes more than just displaying medical equipment or describing advanced tech. Our immersive curatorial approach to AI’s application in the medical field allows the audience to approach and fully grasp the essence of United Imaging’s uAI Nexus.


展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计



Our design for the area showcasing suspendible equipment emphasizes immersion. Black and white structural elements fade into the background to direct attention to the equipment. To ensure safety, the entire exhibition is pre-built in a factory and is only transported to the exhibition site post-inspection.


展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计

展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计


对于科技和未来感的呈现,我们没有停留在对「颜色」的运用上,而是引入能「借光」的材质。展区整体应用 LED 多媒体影像画卷,其通透的质感能增强空间的纵深感,与地面黑色亮光材质结合,共同打造出极具沉浸感的空间。

Moving beyond colors, we incorporate materials that interact with light to highlight the futuristic vibe of the technology. The exhibit features LED multimedia screens that meshes with glossy black flooring, creating a deeply immersive space with striking depth.



也能让「临时」变成「永恒」。仅仅为期 4 天的展会,包含着 E Studio 对当下设计的思考。

*Timed* isn’t antonymous with *timeless*,Lasting designs endure in memory, not just in time.

E Studio’s four-day exhibit reveals their dedication,Unwavering and thoughtful in every line.


展会设计,展会展厅设计,产品展厅设计,展台设计,展会展台,上海联影集团AI时代的未来医学影像展台,上海,上海国家会展中心,E Studio壹所设计



项目面积/Scale:1800 m²
完成时间/Completion Time:2024.04
空间设计公司/Design Firm:E Studio 壹所设计工作室
主持设计师/Lead Designer:Fan,Junjian 范君健、Zhou,Xuanzhuo 周炫焯
设计团队/Design Team:Liu,Shuqi 刘淑琪、Zhang,Jieying 张洁莹、Liu,Ying 刘莹、Huang,Chenxi 黄晨曦、Wang,Yiran 王艺然、Huang,Qiqi 黄琪琪、Fang,Guiyun 房桂云、Hao,Xingyun 郝星云
物料设计/FF&E:Zhou,Jing 周婧
摄影/Photographer :张超建筑摄影工作室、联影医疗 品牌与市场战略中心



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