Our civilized world went back to the ancient wild duringCovid-19, the quiet city, the wind blow thtough leaves, all plants growing withoutnoticed , animals occupy the city again. It is acutally the first time that naturegetting so close to the city , and the boundary in between city and naturebecoming so blur.
“荒野探索”是我们这次概念的主题,在文明与荒野之间不断跳跃,时而是机械化的现代文明,时而是屹立永久的荒野大地。在文明与荒野中探索,不断探索找寻契合自己的文明生活方式。潮服 / 潮鞋 /潮玩 / 画廊 / 联名咖啡 /都是空间中蕴含的元素。
Exporing the nature is the concept of this project,we put the nature and civilized word adjacent to each other, machanical elements and natural materials mixed and co-existed in this space. Streetcultures products will be displayed in this mixed space. People are welcome to come in and search for their life style. Street culture fashion, sneakers, toys, geallry and cross over coffee will co-exist in this space.
The 85 meters facades stands for the land cracking and encourages us to come inthe store.
The first floor has 3 parts , the wildland, the connecting and themachanical world, they stand side by side and wait for us to explore. The wildland designed for clothes display, everything here will be like “weathered stones”with a loop circle.
The connecting is the corssroad, sneakers will be displayed here. Transparency is important to stimulate customers’curisity.
机械文明作为潮玩 / 收银 / 更衣间的集合之地,采用穿孔的泡沫铝,绿色的木纹主题色来传达自然的文明机械感。在绿意盎然的魔幻更衣间中,玩味反射不断变化的身影。在不断的衔接跟对比场景中,希望空间再次激活人与人,人与物,空间与物之间的衔接性,这种坚硬跟不断变化的柔软也是潮流本身带有的蓬勃生命。
The machanical world designed for toys, reception and fittingroom, green dyed veneers and aluminum foam mixed use in this space, We try to imagine a way highly developed machinical civilation co-existing with nature.
∇ 平面图
客户 | Client:KNOWIN
项目地址 | Location: 杭州市,湖滨88 | Hubin88, Hangzhou
项目面积 | Project area:400㎡(店内)1000㎡(外立面改造) | 400㎡ (store)1000㎡(Facade)
项目类型 | Project Type:新零售空间设计 | New-Retail Design
设计内容 | Design scope:室内设计、道具设计、外立面改造设计 | Interior design,Display design, Facade intervention
设计周期 | Design period:2021.11 — 2021.12
施工时间 | Construction period:2021.11—2022.01
设计团队 | Team:杨添堡,孙志伟,褚夫艳,王鹏一,毛天怡,谢诚儒 | Yang Tianbao, Sun Zhiwei, Chu Fuyan, Wang Pengyi, Mao Tianyi, Ru Chen
合作团队 | Cooperating Team:上海境季建筑装饰工程有限公司 Topin Design 上海尚格建筑装饰设计有限公司 ShangGe Design
材料 | Material:泡沫铝板,木纹染色,艺术涂料,天鹅绒,阳极氧化铝板, 镜面不锈钢, 地砖及岩板 | Aluminum foam, Dyed Veneer, Paints, Velvet, Anodized Aluminum, Polished SS. Tiles . wayflor 编织地毯
摄影师 | Photographer:陈灏 | Chen Hao