全球设计风向感谢来自 内向工作室 Non Studio Design & Research 的茶饮店空间项目案例分享:
当外卖给我们提供了极大的便利时,如何给实体店提供线下顾客增长点已经成为现今品牌们的重要的议题。 2021年初,内向工作室为全新的柠檬茶品牌Introlemons在北京三里屯设计了一个柠檬茶的小剧场—-工作人员进行一场制茶的表演,顾客即是观众。
When takeaways provide us with great convenience, how to drive offline-customer growth has become an important topic for brands nowadays. In the beginning of 2021, Non Studio designed a small lemon tea “theater” for the new lemon tea brand Introlemons in Sanlitun, Beijin. The staff give a tea-making performance for the customers, and the customers become the audience.
∇ 外立面
The outside seating area is an introduction to the indoor theater. The bases of the tables and chairs outside are laid out with lemon-shaped mosaics like the indoor floor, and the sides made of stainless steel outline the topography. The outside seating area is like an extension of the indoor terrain, being cut, dispersed, and gradually disappeared.
∇ 外摆
Minimum alteration was done to the façade. Non Studio dissolved the sense of “facade” by inserting large glasses between the existing columns to ensure maximum transparency and to weaken the boundary.
∇ 从外向内看
∇ 平面图
∇ 入口点单口
The usual bar and kitchen area are packed into a cube that is detached from the ceiling. It is the stage of this small theater. The display area of the stage is carefully designated, zeroing in on four “acts” while the rest of the stage is blurred out. These four acts constitute the play that is the process and craftsmanship of lemon tea making. The same trick is applied to the mirror wall in the south. The floor gets visually extended by the mirror, a layer of gray dots which is dense on the top and loose on the bottom is applied to the mirror wall to prevent the reflection from getting visually too chaotic.
∇ 展示面渐变点阵逻辑示意图
∇ 渐变点阵
∇ 室内
∇ 舞台区渐变点阵
The pickup windows and the service counter are positioned in the back of the stage for they are the “backstage” of the theater. Small and narrow pickup windows only allow customers to see the hand of the staff, embedded top lights helped to make the lemon tea the center of focus.
∇ 取餐通道
∇ 取餐口
The dining area is the “auditorium”, sloped and bumpy floor imitates steps of an auditorium at the same time evokes people’s memories of the hillside tea garden. Tall tables and low stools form different clusters in the dining area; A third type of furniture is introduced to the cluster: the tray unit. Customers can carry multiple drinks at the same time with the help of tray, after seated, one can insert the tray into the rod, then the “tray unit” perform as a cup-holder.
∇ 用餐区地势起伏
∇ 地面建构逻辑示意图
∇ 地面高度控制点
Lemon elements have repeatedly appeared in the store to reinforce brand image, including custom-made lemon-shape mosaics. Lemon-shape mosaics are very carefully angled and arranged to avoid any increase of gaps or visual distortion since the floor is not flat.
∇ 柠檬元素
这是一间只卖冰饮的店,店内简洁明快的形体和材料搭配营造出清凉且富有想象的空间,如同冰饮新鲜爽快。 在Introlemons北京三里屯店,顾客们获得了对于品牌全方位的感知和体验。
This is a store that only provides cold drinks, the simple yet delightful shapes and materials together created a cool and imaginative space that is just as fresh and refreshing. At Introlemons Beijing Sanlitun store, customers gain the full range of perception and experience of the brand.
项目名称: Introlemons北京三里屯店
建筑事务所/公司/机构/单位: 内向工作室 Non Studio Design & Research
公司网站: www.studio-non.com
联络邮箱: info@studio-non.com
公司所在地: 上海市徐汇区天平路288弄4号
项目完成年份: 2021
建筑面积: 150平
项目地址: 北京市三里屯
摄影师: 陈铭,孙立文
委托方: 北京原谅柠檬茶餐饮管理有限公司
施工方: 北京浩锐鸿信工程有限公司
材料方: 主灯具ALUMINI 天际线灯
地面定制柠檬马赛克 上海亮马建筑材料有限公司