香水品牌Carner凭借其标志性的木盖香水瓶让人熟知,该品牌诞生于2009年。其创始人Sara Carner曾在香奈儿(Chanel)和资生堂(Shiseido)等公司工作。

Since its inception in 2009 by Sara Carner, an olfactory professional who honed her skills at leading companies such as Chanel and Shiseido, fragrance brand Carner has gone leaps and bounds with its signature wood-capped fragrance bottles.


商业空间,办公零售空间,零售店设计,Jofre Roca Arquitectes,香水品牌总部设计,巴塞罗那,Carner

商业空间,办公零售空间,零售店设计,Jofre Roca Arquitectes,香水品牌总部设计,巴塞罗那,Carner


该公司最近在巴塞罗那历史悠久的市中心区Eixample区落成了全新的总部,这里也是该品牌的第一个零售区。该商店位于五层住宅建筑的地下室部分,具有古典的立面,其室内设计由当地的Jofre Roca Arquitectes事务所完成,该事务所嵌入了建筑的拱形砖墙,有时会出现摇摇欲坠的情况。

The company has recently inaugurated its brand new headquarters in Barcelona‘s historic downtown district of Eixample, and the premises also feature the brand’s first retail space. Situated in the basement section of a five-storey residential building with a classical façade, the store features an interior design by local practice Jofre Roca Arquitectes which embeds the building’s vaulted and sometimes crumbling brick walls.


商业空间,办公零售空间,零售店设计,Jofre Roca Arquitectes,香水品牌总部设计,巴塞罗那,Carner

商业空间,办公零售空间,零售店设计,Jofre Roca Arquitectes,香水品牌总部设计,巴塞罗那,Carner



The premises comprise of a front section, occupied by the store, and a back section which houses offices, connected by a corridor. The brickwork has been exposed, revealing their patina and marks, and then dipped in a pristine white hue. Furnishings comprise of wooden display cabinets in matching white and with built-in lighting. Both the sliding door, which conceals the office, and the flooring are crafted from light timber. The new Carner store carries the brand’s full range of niche fragrances and scented candles.


商业空间,办公零售空间,零售店设计,Jofre Roca Arquitectes,香水品牌总部设计,巴塞罗那,Carner

商业空间,办公零售空间,零售店设计,Jofre Roca Arquitectes,香水品牌总部设计,巴塞罗那,Carner

商业空间,办公零售空间,零售店设计,Jofre Roca Arquitectes,香水品牌总部设计,巴塞罗那,Carner


∇ 区位图
商业空间,办公零售空间,零售店设计,Jofre Roca Arquitectes,香水品牌总部设计,巴塞罗那,Carner


∇ 平面图
商业空间,办公零售空间,零售店设计,Jofre Roca Arquitectes,香水品牌总部设计,巴塞罗那,Carner


∇ 轴测图
商业空间,办公零售空间,零售店设计,Jofre Roca Arquitectes,香水品牌总部设计,巴塞罗那,Carner



设计公司:Jofre Roca Arquitectes



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