全球设计风向感谢来自 FUNUN LAB空间设计研究室 的餐饮空间(咖啡店)项目案例分享:


THE WOODS CAFÉ王府中环店坐落于王府中环西座三层,王府中环尊居首都商业与政治的核心地带,其设计和规模均巧妙融合了王府井地区的历史底蕴与精粹。华灯初上之时,近可观王府井精英聚往交织,远可俯瞰故宫红墙黛瓦。设计师由此得到灵感,以设计巧思诠释历史与现代的交融,为THE WOODS CAFÉ塑造出了深度升级的品牌形象。

THE WOODS CAFÉ WF Centre branch is located on the third floor of the West Block of WF Centre, Beijing. When you look out of the window, elites gathered and interweaved. The designer was inspired by this, using design ingenuity to explain the blending of historical heritage and urban elegance, created a deeply upgraded brand image for THE WOODS CAFÉ.


餐饮空间,北京王府中环,THE WOODS CAFÉ,FUNUN LAB,咖啡厅设计,项目投稿

餐饮空间,北京王府中环,THE WOODS CAFÉ,FUNUN LAB,咖啡厅设计,项目投稿


当下的咖啡+轻餐饮潮流愈来愈频繁地使用极简北欧风和马卡龙色系的设计语言,风格趋同不说,对于空间的通透性要求也很高。而此项目中,设计师在面对并不通透,甚至可以说很有挑战的原始空间时,决定在延续THE WOODS CAFÉ其他分店现代轻奢风格的同时,赋予空间更多互动感和层次感,提升了整个空间的高雅气质。THE WOODS CAFÉ 作为备受商务精英以及追求健康饮食者青睐的品牌,希望能在轻松雅致的环境中带给客人精致创新的轻奢美味。此次设计师用少数黑色及金色金属框架巧妙勾勒出店面外围,同时在店内不同功能区域采用样式各异的沙发桌椅,为空间层次创造出了多种可能性,亦完美平衡了咖啡+轻餐之间的商务与休闲、互动与隐私。

The area is open on both sides, and the entrances on both sides are designed as Chinese style wooden doors, which touched people’s first impressions of “home” and “Chinese architecture”. From a distance, the entire store design looks like an elegant Chinese octagonal palace lantern. The large-scale floor-to-ceiling windows increase the sense of openness of the store, it’s surely an exploration of coffee and dining spaces.


餐饮空间,北京王府中环,THE WOODS CAFÉ,FUNUN LAB,咖啡厅设计,项目投稿

餐饮空间,北京王府中环,THE WOODS CAFÉ,FUNUN LAB,咖啡厅设计,项目投稿



When you walk into this space, the first thing that catches your eyes is the two and a half large pillars located in the center of the store. The pillars are wrapped in dark wood, and glass spherical lamps and strip-shaped lamps emit light in different directions, some are sparse and some are dense, giving the entire space a rich sense of hierarchy. This also makes the pillars, which were originally a shortcoming of space, a highlight of the overall design. No matter which door you pass through, through the windows, the modern design on these pillars will attract your attention, and then attract customers into the store.


餐饮空间,北京王府中环,THE WOODS CAFÉ,FUNUN LAB,咖啡厅设计,项目投稿

餐饮空间,北京王府中环,THE WOODS CAFÉ,FUNUN LAB,咖啡厅设计,项目投稿


举目环顾,设计师以黑、灰色系的石材、沉稳的木质元素与原始触感的水泥墙面等混搭,带来一种沉静而从容不迫的空间感,落座其中,眺望着故宫之景,还颇有一种时间静止的感觉。沉稳的主色调并不会使得空间显得沉闷,因为俯仰之间,灰白皮质沙发与暖色灯光相互映衬,营造出精致而层次多变的氛围。值得一提的是,店内的桌椅家俬均由设计师全面定制,从皮质、颜色到桌面石材的搭配,与店内装修高度和谐统一,带给客人一种优雅和从容不迫的体验。THE WOODS CAFÉ 王府中环店,身处北京最古老也是最核心的区域之一,又处于高端奢享的全新地标王府中环购物中心,以其沉稳而又富有活力的整体设计,成功打造了一处位于古老都市中的理想现代咖空间。

Looking around, the designer chose black and gray stone, a large amount of wood elements and simple cement wall surface. This combination makes the space atmosphere calm and charming. Sit down and enjoying the view of the Forbidden City. Time seems to stop and the city seems quiet. The main color does not make the space look dull, because when looking up and down, the designer also used gray and white leather sofas and golden yellow lights to create a sophisticated and elegant space.All the furniture in the store are customized by the designer’s drawings. The curvature of the chair and the combination of the table stone make the lines of the entire space flow. The overall environment presents an atmosphere of modernity and is full of timeless mood, expressing THE WOODS CAFÉ’s unique insights into WF Centre and the whole city.In the treatment of the ceiling, the designer used two light strips to ensure the lighting, and also highlighted the focus of the environment more clearly.THE WOODS CAFÉ WF Centre store is located in one of the oldest and most core areas in Beijing. It is also a brand-new landmark shopping mall in CBD. The overall design is stable and vibrant, which fully represents the ideal modern coffee space in the ancient city.


餐饮空间,北京王府中环,THE WOODS CAFÉ,FUNUN LAB,咖啡厅设计,项目投稿

餐饮空间,北京王府中环,THE WOODS CAFÉ,FUNUN LAB,咖啡厅设计,项目投稿

餐饮空间,北京王府中环,THE WOODS CAFÉ,FUNUN LAB,咖啡厅设计,项目投稿


∇ 轴测图
餐饮空间,北京王府中环,THE WOODS CAFÉ,FUNUN LAB,咖啡厅设计,项目投稿

餐饮空间,北京王府中环,THE WOODS CAFÉ,FUNUN LAB,咖啡厅设计,项目投稿

餐饮空间,北京王府中环,THE WOODS CAFÉ,FUNUN LAB,咖啡厅设计,项目投稿



项目名称:THE WOODS CAFÉ 古老都市中心的奢享现代空间
设计公司:FUNUN LAB空间设计研究室

Site Location:WF Centre, Beijing
Design Firm:FUNUN LAB
Completion Time:2019.3
Photographer:Ruijing Photo



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