
Here is an apartment project with contemporary spirit and stylish execution of the design idea. Located in central Kiev and designed by young and dynamic studio Dolgopiatova Design, the apartment is designated for a family with two children.


住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调


Oksana Dolgopiatova运用了永恒的装饰图案,大胆的颜色,复古的气息,和时尚的物品形成一种中性风格的组合元素空间。非常流行的城市豪华风格,包括黄铜元素和时髦的灯具,大理石表面并置混凝土覆盖层,以及有趣的复古细节(在这种情况下;纹理图案和一些标志性的家具),在这个现代的设计组合中以艺术和时尚的方式摆放。

Oksana Dolgopiatova used an eclectic mixture of timeless shapes, bold colors, vintage hints, and trendy insertions. The very popular stylistic of urban luxury that includes brass elements and trendy lamps, marble surfaces juxtaposed to concrete claddings, and the playful vintage details ( in this case; textural patterns and some iconic furniture pieces), works in an artistic and stylish manner in this modern design composition.


住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调



Character-defining design solutions entwine practicality and artistic innovations. The bold color palette is dominated by the entwinement of trendy black and characteristic shade of the granite stone Almadin – red and red-violet. The expressive textural, material, and color sequence of the main portal gives additional focal strength to this very charming and characteristic feature of the design project. The doors artistic silhouettes are inspired by Milan’s old mansions gates. 


住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调



Another eye-catching design touch are the circular shapes and ornaments spread throughout the apartment– from the retro pattern on the living room curtains to the artistic lamps installations ( especially the one in the master bedroom), from small decorative details and furniture pieces to decor structures and even bathroom basins and tubs. Different circular shapes can be found in each room’s composition – lamps above the kitchen table, sofa, corridor, textural patterns and rugs, and so on. These artistic and unique design solutions unify the stylistic and the characteristic color composition of the interior.


住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调


∇ 平面图

住宅空间,乌克兰基辅,Oksana Dolgopiatova,Almadin公寓,公寓设计,复古情调



设计师:Oksana Dolgopiatova
摄影:Andrey Bezuglov



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