托马斯·乔瑞昂(Thomas Jorion),法国摄影师。1976年生于柏林,现居巴黎。专注于城市景观,特别是年久失修的城市废墟及大型建筑摄影多年。乔瑞昂的作品记录了一些处于废墟或废弃状态的地方,让人们从一个逝去的时代重新发现目的地过去的荣耀。此次的veduta系列作品记录了他在意大利的旅行:寻找华丽的宫殿,避暑别墅,和被长期遗忘的花园等。

thomas jorion is a self-taught photographer who lives in paris and travels the world to capture timeless images using a large format analogue camera. jorion’s work documents places in a state of ruin or abandonment, allowing the view to rediscover the destination’s past glory from a bygone era. a new exhibition chronicles the photographer’s journeys through italy, in search of the ornate palaces, summer houses, and gardens that have been long forgotten.


废墟建筑,摄影,记录,thomas jorion,galerie esther woerdehoff

fulmine, italie, 2018


展览于2019年2月7日至4月6日在巴黎的galerie esther woerdehoff画廊展出,名为“veduta”,在意大利语中是“view”的意思。thomas jorion的摄影作品深刻地捕捉到了主题建筑的辉煌,然而,没有人类的占领,住宅呈现出梦幻般的景象。在一些场景中,地砖松动了,而在另一些场景中,天花板完全坍塌了——在装饰性的室内和它正在变成的废墟之间形成了戏剧性的视觉对比。

the exhibition — on view at galerie esther woerdehoff in paris until april 6, 2019 — is titled veduta, a word that means ‘view’ in italian. thomas jorion’s photography profoundly captures the subject’s architectural splendor, however, without human occupation, the residences take on a dream-like quality. in some scenes floor tiles have come loose, while in others the ceiling has collapsed entirely — creating a dramatic visual contrast between the decorative interior and the ruin it is becoming.


废墟建筑,摄影,记录,thomas jorion,galerie esther woerdehoff

pensile, italie, 2018


废墟建筑,摄影,记录,thomas jorion,galerie esther woerdehoff

ghepardi, italie, 2016


废墟建筑,摄影,记录,thomas jorion,galerie esther woerdehoff

fondali, italie, 2017


废墟建筑,摄影,记录,thomas jorion,galerie esther woerdehoff

cedri, italie, 2017


废墟建筑,摄影,记录,thomas jorion,galerie esther woerdehoff

sognare, suisse, 2016


废墟建筑,摄影,记录,thomas jorion,galerie esther woerdehoff

pappagallo, italie, 2018

all images © thomas jorion, courtesy galerie esther woerdehoff

画廊:galerie esther woerdehoff
位置:36 rue falguière, 75015 paris, france

artist: thomas jorion
gallery: galerie esther woerdehoff
location: 36 rue falguière, 75015 paris, france
exhibition dates: february 7 – april 6, 2019


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