网红咖啡%Arabica 的新店位于香港维多利亚港天星码头大楼顶层,面积仅为17平方米,由日本工作室Puddle设计,室内白色、混凝土和轻质木材表面与大楼现有结构相匹配。

Japanese studio Puddle has designed a coffee shop inside a ferry terminal building in Hong Kong’s Kowloon area, with white, concrete and light wood surfaces to match the existing structure.The tiny cafe, % Arabica, measures 17 square metres and is located on the top level of the Star Ferry Terminal Building on the Kowloon side of Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour.

发光的 “%”  logo放置在入口处的白色店面招牌上,招牌隐藏了咖啡馆的卷帘门。

The entrance is defined by a glowing % logo glows, placed across a white built-in unit that conceals the cafe’s roller shutter front facade.


商业空间,香港商业空间,咖啡店设计,香港咖啡厅,% Arabica咖啡店

商业空间,香港商业空间,咖啡店设计,香港咖啡厅,% Arabica咖啡店



Inside is a modest, square room with hardly anything on its floors, except for a counter that houses all of the cafe’s workings. From here, employees greet customers, processes payments and prepare the coffee.The cabinet is wrapped in pale green tiles with a white countertop, and positioned in front of a windowed wall that has another large % logo across it.


Branding is a key element to Puddle’s design of the coffee shop. Small graphic touches can also be seen on the floor, across custom-made umbrellas, and on other branded products.


A rear cwall is covered in concrete to match the floors, which seamlessly blend in with the rest of the building. Arranged across the wall are numerous glass shelves with wooden supports, which symmetrically display coffee bags.Aside from the glass facade and roller front, the only other wall in the cafe is covered in light wood boards, with a matching built-in bench below. This introduction of a natural material helps to soften the project’s industrial character.


商业空间,香港商业空间,咖啡店设计,香港咖啡厅,% Arabica咖啡店

商业空间,香港商业空间,咖啡店设计,香港咖啡厅,% Arabica咖啡店



Outside is a place for drinking coffee, which Puddle added to the public walkway in the terminus. Here, white high-post tables with round tops are positioned in front of a wall of windows with green panes.As space inside the cafe is limited, customers can order their favourite coffee drinks and relax outside the café where white bar tables are arranged neatly along the expansive east-facing windows.


商业空间,香港商业空间,咖啡店设计,香港咖啡厅,% Arabica咖啡店

商业空间,香港商业空间,咖啡店设计,香港咖啡厅,% Arabica咖啡店

项目名称:% Arabica咖啡店


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