全球设计风向感谢来自 杜兹设计 的幼教空间项目案例分享:


儿童是我们的未来。在多维的语境下,儿童空间正在走向多义的公共文化空间,带来更多丰富的成长体验。杜兹设计的最新力作 — 长颈鹿美语前滩空间日前揭开面纱,在总面积约630平米的不规则空间内,设计师为孩子们打造了一部“流动的篇章”,带来了更多的全新惊喜体验。


Children are our future. In a multi-dimensional world, children’s space is moving towards to a more multi-functional level, bringing more public cultural exposure and more rich experience for growth. DUTS Design presents its latest space renovation design project, a multi-functional kids space based in Qiantan, Pudong district of Shanghai. In an irregular space with a total area of about 630 square meters, the architectures of DUTSdesign have created a “Flowing Chapter” for children, bringing more new surprise experience.




设计灵感 — 魔毯上的学校 


The original space of the project is irregular shaped, formed by the connection of walls with different angles. When the design team of DUTS Design saw this space, “This layout of the space looks like the head of a deer, which is cute, but it is a huge challenge for the designers for space renovation and transformation.”



English, Personality building,Multi-knowledge and Personal expression are the basic needs of children provided by English Giraffe. Based on functional positioning, an open theater and stage, library with reading space, 8 classrooms, reception and offices for staff need to be put in this irregular space with only 630 square meters. Facing the square with crowds, display window for public shall also be taken into consideration.





If the space for horizontal layout is limited, why not take full advantages of vertical height? The height of the space is 5 meters, which is good for some renovation for it. “For children, the high and low space is like a flying magic carpet, which will bring them more exploration experience and have fun.”



After the design sketch, “A School on the flying magic carpet” was born. Each classroom is independent and be raised in structure to separate from the indoor floor, creating a suspended feeling and aesthetics. Combining horizontal layout together with vertical structure, the space becomes more dynamic ,with rich layers ,while holding “thin”and “flying” shapes.



In consideration of space, function, flow of people, floor height, safety, etc., after continuous deduction, the performance stage, drama classroom, library classroom, reception and other spaces with interactive display functions are arranged in the glass curtain wall area along the street; 6 English classrooms with square shape and staff offices are located in the quiet hinterland to realize the ultimate use of space.




270度环形橱窗 — 将公共文化展示融于商业设计

270-degree Window display – integrate public cultural display into commercial design


空间位于上海目前最为热门的晶耀前滩首层,面朝最热闹的文化广场,同时也兼具公共文化的展示功能。 我们在“鹿头”的两侧区域设置了270度的环形橱窗,将戏剧舞台与悬浮的图书馆空间变为天然的展示橱窗,成为了前滩版块令人惊艳的公共文化展示空间。

The space is located in the 1st floor of Crystal Plaza mall in Qiantan section in Shanghai, facing the most lively square, and also has the function of cultural displaying to public. We set up a 270-degree circular window display on both sides of the “Deer Head”, turning the theater stage and suspended library space into a natural display window, which became a stunning public cultural display space in the Qiantan section .




流动的篇章 — 层层递进的沉浸式学习之旅

Flowing Chapter — Create immersive exploring journey for Children



Abstract undulating flow lines are the core of this design project. Oriented by function and experience, we designed a set of imaginative moving lines for children, and named it as “Flowing Chapter”. The open stage, drama classroom, and library are smartly integrated in the scene-based space, like a magic book that attracts children for continuous exploration and have rich experience.



“Design a flowing space for children so that they can have an immersive learning journey in it.”



The main gate pf the space is facing the square. Taking into consideration for flow of people in the mall , we created a special “magic tunnel” entrance for the children entering the space from the shopping mall. When the children curiously drilled through the tunnel, they entered the imaginative flowing space.





The “Open Theater” facing the square is the core of the whole space. The whole hall is designed as a flowing stage, which is a partner for children to learn, rehearse and perform. At the end of each course, there will be a report performance. We are very pleased to see the vivid performance of each child and the deep pride on the face of each parent.






With the abstract undulating flow, we entered the reading space, which is designed as a “Reading Theater” with stairs, where the children sit high and low, enjoying the quiet pleasure of reading.



All classrooms are smartly placed in a quiet area near the “deer neck” to ensure the regularity of the teaching space, while also providing children with a quiet space without external interference. The combination of moving and quiet brings an immersive while professional learning experience.









数字化设计 — 智慧赋能的空间布局

Digitalized design – Intelligence empowered spaces layout


在设计过程中,采用了数字化设计与建造技术,应用在形态生成、结构优化、立面模拟、施工生成中。以精确的计算和无数次的调整,使整个曲面有方向性指向和拓扑性地延续,将接待台、台阶、舞台、Speak Up舞台有机地整合在一起,使整个形体流动连续,一方面延续了城市公共空间的开放性,一方面为空间展示注入了独特的精神与活力。

Digital design and new construction technology is used in the design process , used in form generation, structural optimization, elevation simulation, and construction generation. Accurate calculation and countless adjustments make the entire surface directional and topologically continue, organically integrate the reception, stair, stage, Speak Up stage, and keep the continuity of the moving flow in the space.It strengthens the openness of the urban public space, while brings a unique spirit and vitality to the space.


在舞台背景木纹墙的设计中,设计师采用了多次实验严谨的计算,优化了图案的宽度,长度,间隙和色彩。得出的抽象线性的木纹阵列将舞台门准确隐藏,在变化中清楚地拟合3D logo与文字,用光影与自然的色彩使整个舞台背景在有限的空间丰富地展现,最终生成了一个美观又实用的装饰面。

In the design of the stage background wood grain wall, the designer adopted rigorous calculations for many experiments to optimize the width, length, gap and color of the pattern. The resulting abstract linear wood grain array accurately hides the stage door, clearly fits the 3D logo and text dynamically, and uses light and shadow and natural colors to make this stage background rich in limited space, and finally produces a beautiful And practical decorative surface.






The architect’s design creativity incorporates detailed systematic analysis and investigation combined with digital construction technology. In this project, the characteristics of the materials were challenged, making the natural and smooth transition of different materials and different curvatures and functions of the stage, not only through continuous geometry The features meet the functional requirements, and also coordinate with the furniture and floor patterns, providing users with a unified and multilevel experience that is different from other spaces.








With the help of digital architect technology, the project construction can restore the designed simulation space to a higher degree, or it can be completed in a short period of time through block assembly, effectively saving construction costs.


在万物皆可云的数字化时代, 城市空间需要为人们创造更多元化的体验与生活场景。270度的环形橱窗外,广场上经过的孩子们无不驻足停留,眼中闪耀着惊喜。而这流动的篇章,如同未知的美好世界,正敞开着大门,等待着他们的探索与发现。

In the digital age, urban spaces need to create more diverse experiences and life scenarios for people.The passing children stopped all over, shinning in their eyes with surprise. The “Flowing Chapter”, like the unknown beautiful world,  opening its doors, waiting for their exploration and discovery.




∇ 平面布置图



∇ 整体空间区位图



∇ 功能区动线分析图



∇ 设计草图



∇ 整体功能区划分



∇ 功能区位示意图



∇ 最终空间布局示意图










灯光设计:Studio Illumine(Jimmy,Viva)




More: 杜兹设计  http://www.dutsdesign.com/


Location: Shanghai, China

Client: English Giraffe

Area: 630 sqm

Architect in charge: Ling Zhong

Architectural design: Yingqi Hu, Toto Hu(parametric modeling) , Michael Shi, Ying Liu, Ke Xu, Tao Wan

Brand visual design: Proad Identity

Lighting: Studio Illumine(Jimmy,Viva)

GRG material: Gang Ying Building Technology

Photographs: Qinshan Wu

More:DUTSDesign  http://www.dutsdesign.com/



杜兹设计(DUTS design)于2010年成立于中国上海,是一家具有法国学院派背景的建筑设计事务所。杜兹设计致力于基因的探索和文化的延续,在满足理性功能需求下通过结构创新和艺术语言去赋予建筑空间独特的生命力。


 杜兹设计(DUTS design)前身是法国杜博斯克建筑师事务所,于1985年由艾里克.杜博斯克(Eric Dubosc)在巴黎成立,在法国甚至欧洲钢结构建筑和绿色生态节能建筑上一直处于领先地位,荣获多项国际大奖,完成了遍及欧洲、亚洲的诸多建筑设计及城市规划项目。在越南河内,卡塔尔多哈等处均设立了分部或代表处。



杜兹设计(DUTS design)创始人是法国国家注册建筑师钟凌,法国巴黎拉维莱特建筑学院硕士,上海交通大学客座教师。

钟凌师从法国知名建筑师艾里克.杜博斯克先生(Eric Dubosc),于2010年创立杜兹设计,将欧洲成熟的的设计思维、先进的技术模式与国内具体实情结合起来,巧妙并理性地运用到国内实际项目中。



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